Location Routes

Location Routes sells filming routes to companies who need specialist knowledge of roads and potential issues such as having to close roads for filming work.
This brief involved building a site that can grow as the business grows. Specific issues were to have a map search with routes that is searchable on selected criteria but that the exact routes are not being shown in too much detail. There was to be a training section where courses can be advertised and a searchable talent section with an expandable search criteria.
We designed a new site based on ideas from the client and some of the design ideas we had that would give us a clean and easy to navigate website. The visual impact of the home page was really important to help show off aspects of the logo with a sample video behind it.
Visual impact and usability were key aspects of the site as well as the ability to easily amend and grow the content within the website.
Technical Details
The website was built using WordPress with a custom built theme based on an inhouse design that is fully responsive for mobile, tablet and desktop.
We built the site in an agile format so we could go “live” with the site with a basic amount of content , adding to the site as the client added more content.
Initially we launched with the Home page, About page and the Contact page. Then we added the Routes Library followed by the other areas of the site.
All aspects were built in a development site that the client could test to ensure all the functions were available as the client expected them.